Finance in Focus: What cognitive computing can do for insurance
Podcast recorded with Kathy Hudson and Susan Visser from IBM
Podcast recorded with Kathy Hudson and Susan Visser from IBM
Honored to be included on this list by TechFoliance 😀
Video recorded for AssetTV Fintech channel Top fintech influencer and blockchain expert Sebastien Meunier discusses the technology that is taking the financial services world by storm. Meunier touches on the evolution of blockchain technology, the execution of smart contracts and addresses security concerns that have dominated recent headlines. Meunier is North America head of digital […]
Read my interview with Simon Cocking in IrishTechNews Blockchain technology is promising but not the solution to every problem. Exclusive interview with Sebastien Meunier, top fintech influencer
Honored to be included as #9 on this list by Onalytica 😀
The blockchain endgame is unclear, but organisations should ensure they are aware of what is happening at the very least, says consultant Sebastien Meunier http://www.computerweekly.com/news/450296169/Be-prepared-for-blockchain-says-consultant
I was invited to deliver a keynote about blockchain technology at the European Identity & Cloud Conference 2016. To know more about the content, check this similar presentation of mine on SlideShare: Blockchain – preparing for the next steps from Sebastien Meunier